Home / Software / Pocket-Tools
General description :
All these pocket tools are available in a packaged version
with a detailed user manual :
- WAV2BIN : conversion of Sharp computer's
save tapes into ASCII or binary image files.
- BIN2WAV : conversion
of binary image files to Sharp computer's audio save.
- BAS2IMG : conversion
of Sharp computer's ASCII BASIC files to binary image files.
- Linux scripts for Pocket-Tools :command line tools to load and save
Basic programs on Sharp computers.
- SharpPocketToolsGUI : Graphical
user interfaces for the Pocket-Tools.
Download :
Download the Pocket
Download the SharpPocketToolsGUI at the dedicated
GitHub page.
Don't hesitate to forward me any new version, in order to make it available to the community.
More information :
To install everything under Linux, run make and sudo
make install, read the Readme files and script files comments for the
Look at the dedicated Pocket Tools page.
Thanks :
Thanks to Torsten MÜCKER for these tools, Bernhard for the Linux scripts, and Mihai for the SharpPocketToolsGUI.
Thanks also to all the contributors,
in chronological order :
Christophe LE GLATIN, Emmanuel BEAUREPAIRE, Joachim BOHS, Norbert ROLL, Markus VON CUBE, Manfred NOSSWITZ, Olivier DE SMET.
Disclaimer :
The contributors can't be involved in any damages consequently of the use of these softwares.