Home / Software / Pocket-Tools
General description :
All these pocket tools are available in a packaged version
with a detailed user manual :
- WAV2BIN : conversion of Sharp computer's
save tapes into ASCII or binary image files.
- BIN2WAV : conversion
of binary image files to Sharp computer's audio save.
- BAS2IMG : conversion
of Sharp computer's ASCII BASIC files to binary image files.
- Linux scripts for Pocket-Tools :command line tools to load and save
Basic programs on Sharp computers.
- SharpPocketToolsGUI : Graphical
user interfaces for the Pocket-Tools.
Download :
Download the Pocket Tools.
Download the SharpPocketToolsGUI at the dedicated SharpPocketToolsGUI GitHub page.
Don't hesitate to forward me any new version, in order to make it available to the community.
More information :
To install everything under Linux, run make and sudo
make install, read the Readme files and script files comments for the
Look at the dedicated Pocket Tools page.
Thanks :
Thanks to Torsten MÜCKER for these tools, Bernhard for the Linux scripts, and Mihai for the SharpPocketToolsGUI.
Thanks also to all the contributors,
in chronological order :
Christophe LE GLATIN, Emmanuel BEAUREPAIRE, Joachim BOHS, Norbert ROLL, Markus VON CUBE, Manfred NOSSWITZ, Olivier DE SMET.
Disclaimer :
The contributors can't be involved in any damages consequently of the use of these softwares.