Home / Software / Emul PC-1500A
General description :
This is a Sharp PC-1500A emulator for win32 (windows 9x,
NT4, 2000 and XP).
It is written by Philippe DUPAS,
graphics by Jean-François LAROCHE.
Download :
Download the PC-1500A
emulator (Ver. 0.21, win32 executable)
Installation :
- Unzip PC-1500A.zip
- Run PC-1500A.exe
Important notes :
- The ROM images of the PC-1500A are included in the emulator, available here for educational purpose only, since this computer is now obsolete. If you own a Copyright on this material and don't want it to be available from this site, please inform me and I will remove it immediately.
- Before typing a program, you need to perform a NEW 0 command, otherwise the emulator will jam.
- In PRO mode, the arrow keys used to
move in the listing aren't functionnal :
You need to perform a LIST
LineNumber command, then it is possible to use the arrow keys.
- Several consecutive breaks are not managed.
- The 4 arrow keys are not auto-repeat.
- The content of the memory is backuped
in the pc1500a.mem file.
If this file is deleted, the
emulator will perfom a reset of the PC-1500 at starting.
- The Auto Power Off is functionnal !
On a fast computer, in maximum fréquency mode, the PC-1500 auto powers
off after few seconds ...
- The emulator was tested under Windows 95,
98, NT4, 2000, and XP.
The recommanded minimum display resolution is
1024x768 using 65536 colors.
- In trace mode, the trace file is named Traces,
WARNING it's size grows very very fast !
can reach Gigabytes ...)
- We can't be involved in any damages consequently of the use of this software.
History :
Version : 0.10 (Beta)
- Initial version.
Version 0.20 (Beta)
- Display of the initial video buffer in the traces.
- Init of the
PC-1500 timer according to the host system time.
- Activation of the
Break interruption "Maskable Interrupt processing".
- Activation
of the Timer interruption "Timer Interrupt routine".
- Complette
management of the WM_timer.
- Linearisation of the memory space of the
PC-1500 (PU and PV flags) to manage the CE-158 ROM.
- Management of
the ME1 zone (from &D200 to &D203) : UART of the CE-158.
- Management
of the initialisation phase (NEW 0).
- Start of emulation at the original
- Use of specific DLLs for each models (PC-1500, PC-1500A
and PC-2).
- List of the used DLLs (runtime C : MSVCRTD.DLL).
Fixed the HLT fonction : generation of wait cycles.
- Fixed the display
of the keys, the symbols (I, SML, ...) and the screen pixels.
- Fixed
the Pixels size and CPU frequency at the power on or after loading the .mem
- Added a compiler option (optimisation of the PC-1500 ROM).
- Added the dca function #(U).
- New look for the "About"
Version 0.21 (Beta)
- Fixing the [SML] key and rewrite of the keyboard management.
Optimisation of the PC-1500, PC-1500A, PC-2, CE150, ... ROM management.
Version 0.xx (Beta, in progress)
- Adding the CE-150 display window management.
- Adding several consecutive
breaks management.
- Adding the save of the computer's State management.
- Adding the RAM extension modules management.
- Adding the ROM extension
modules management.
- Fixing the up and down key management (program
- Optimisation of the LH-5801 processor management.
Adding the CE-150 interface.
- Adding the dialog boxes.
- Adding
a disassembler.
- Fixing synchronisation problem on high frequency hosts
(> 2.5 GHz).
- Adding the CE-153 interface.
- Adding the CE-158 interface.
Bugs report :
Thanks to report us any bug by email.